Crash Bandicoot Dev Toys For Bob Splits From Activision & Xbox, Goes Independent

Crash Bandicoot Dev Toys For Bob Splits From Activision & Xbox, Goes Independent

This article discusses the recent announcement of Toys for Bob, the developer behind Crash Bandicoot and Spyro games, splitting from Activision and Xbox to become an independent studio. The heads of the company expressed excitement about developing new stories and characters, working on their next game, and potentially partnering with Microsoft. Both Activision and Microsoft have shown support for this decision. Toys for Bob has a history of creating beloved games and aims to continue delivering innovative and captivating gaming experiences.

  1. What’s going on here?
    Toys for Bob, the developer behind popular games like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro, has announced that they are splitting from Activision and Xbox to become an independent game development studio. The company is enthusiastic about creating new stories and characters for their upcoming projects, and they are already in the early stages of working on their next game. Both Activision and Xbox support this decision, and there is a possibility of a partnership with Microsoft in the future.

  2. What does this mean?
    This announcement signifies a significant shift for Toys for Bob as they transition to operating independently. The studio has a strong track record of creating beloved games and pushing the boundaries of gaming experiences. By going indie, they have the opportunity to explore more creative freedom and potentially forge new partnerships that align with their vision for the future of gaming. Fans of their past works can look forward to seeing what innovative projects they will deliver next.

  3. Why should I care?
    If you are a fan of Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, or other games developed by Toys for Bob, this news is significant as it could shape the direction of future game releases from the studio. The move to independence opens up possibilities for fresh ideas and approaches in game development, which may lead to exciting and unique gaming experiences. Keeping an eye on their upcoming projects and potential collaborations, such as the mentioned partnership with Microsoft, could offer insights into the evolving landscape of the gaming industry.

For more information, check out the original article here.

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