iOS 17.4 won't remove Home Screen web apps in EU after all

iOS 17.4 won't remove Home Screen web apps in EU after all

Apple announced that iOS 17.4 would remove Home Screen web apps in the European Union due to requirements under the Digital Markets Act, but has since reversed this decision and will continue to offer the capability, maintaining that the apps will still be powered by WebKit. The move to remove Home Screen web apps faced criticism and concerns regarding the impact on different app categories on the web. Apple’s decision to reverse the removal is seen as a positive response to feedback and a manifestation of the vagueness surrounding the Digital Markets Act guidelines.

  • What’s going on here? Apple initially stated that iOS 17.4 would no longer support Home Screen web apps in the EU to comply with the Digital Markets Act guidelines. However, the company has now decided to maintain the existing capability, with the web apps continuing to be built on WebKit. There was criticism and concerns raised about the removal of these apps, leading to Apple reconsidering its decision.

  • What does this mean? The reversal means that users in the EU can still access and use Home Screen web apps on their devices as before. These apps will remain powered by WebKit, aligning with the security and privacy standards set for native iOS apps. The move signifies Apple’s response to feedback and a clarification of the interpretation of the Digital Markets Act guidelines.

  • Why should I care? If you use Home Screen web apps on your iOS device in the EU, this update means that you can continue to do so without any interruption. The reversal by Apple highlights the importance of user feedback and the flexibility required in interpreting regulatory guidelines like the Digital Markets Act. This decision ensures that the functionality and security of Home Screen web apps remain consistent for users in the EU.

For more information, check out the original article here.

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