Hear ChatGPT: First Spanish, Then English"

Hear ChatGPT: First Spanish, Then English"

What’s going on here?

OpenAI has introduced a new Read Aloud feature for ChatGPT, which allows the chatbot to verbalize its responses in one of five selectable voices. This functionality is integrated both into the web version of ChatGPT and its iOS and Android applications, making it more accessible and convenient for users, especially those who are on the move. It supports reading in 37 different languages by automatically detecting the language of the text it is set to read. This feature stands as a testament to OpenAI’s advancement in multimodal capabilities, specifically after similar technological strides were made by their competitor, Anthropic.

What does this mean?

The inclusion of the Read Aloud feature signifies OpenAI’s ongoing efforts to enhance user interaction with ChatGPT through multimodal capabilities—the ability to engage users through more than one type of media. With support for both GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 versions, it extends the chatbot’s accessibility and versatility in terms of linguistic coverage and user experience preferences. This adaptation means that users can now engage with ChatGPT in a more hands-free manner, making technology more integrated into daily tasks and routines without the necessity of active screen time.

Why should I care?

For users who often find themselves multitasking or needing information without the ability to physically interact with their devices, this development in ChatGPT’s capabilities is a valuable advancement. Whether it’s driving, cooking, or any other activity that requires your visual attention elsewhere, the ability to have ChatGPT’s output read aloud in a selection of voices and languages enhances the application’s utility and accessibility. Furthermore, the introduction of this feature, following a voice chat function launched in September 2023, underscores OpenAI’s commitment to creating a more adaptive and user-friendly AI experience, highlighting the increasingly sophisticated and nuanced role AI is playing in the personal and professional lives of its users.

For more information, check out the original article here.

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