Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 Frame Rate Debate Heats Up Amid Conflicting Previews

Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 Frame Rate Debate Heats Up Amid Conflicting Previews

What`s going on here?

The upcoming release of Dragon’s Dogma 2 for PS5 is stirring controversy due to conflicting reports about the game’s frame rate from various previews. While the game has received high praise, even being deemed a potential Game of the Year contender, the discussion has intensified over its uncapped frame rate, which has been reported to average around 31 frames-per-second in some cases. This performance is considered suboptimal for a current-gen action game. Pockets of the gaming community and reviewers, such as IGN, have noted the choppy frame rate, while others like Twitch streamer Prod and RPGFan reported a much smoother experience, occasionally hitting 60fps with some dips during intense combat scenarios. The mixed feedback has led to confusion about the game’s actual performance. More about Dragon’s Dogma 2

What does this mean?

This disparity in frame rate experiences suggests potential technical inconsistencies with the Dragon’s Dogma 2 preview build or possible variations in the setups of different reviewers. An uncapped frame rate can lead to fluctuations in game performance, which may be perceived differently by players, creating a divide in player experience reports. Capcom has communicated that the frame rate should improve by the game’s final release, but the variability in performance has raised concerns about the game’s optimization for PS5. As a result, it remains unclear whether the full release will address these concerns and provide a stable and consistent frame rate that meets the expectations of its audience.

Why should I care?

The ongoing debate over Dragon’s Dogma 2’s frame rate is significant for several reasons. First, it highlights the importance of technical performance in next-gen gaming experiences, especially for action-packed titles where smooth gameplay is critical. An inconsistent frame rate can distract from gameplay, potentially undermining the game’s narrative and visual achievements. Secondly, for potential buyers, understanding the possible technical shortcomings can help set realistic expectations for the game’s performance on PS5. Lastly, Capcom’s response to these concerns will be telling of their commitment to player satisfaction and could influence the final polishing phase of the game’s development. For fans looking forward to Dragon’s Dogma 2, staying informed about these developments is crucial for making an informed purchase decision.

For more information, check out the original article here.

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