Patch Notes v2.36: What's New & Exciting

Patch Notes v2.36: What's New & Exciting

What’s going on here?

Version 2.36 of Rocket League is set to prepare for the Season 14 launch on March 6th, applicable across multiple platforms including Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Steam, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Scheduled for release on March 5th, 2024, at 4 p.m. PST, this update is significant as it leads into the new season with additional patch notes expected to be announced at the season’s start. The patch not only introduces updates but also paves the way for upcoming in-game content and adjustments to enhance player experience.

What does this mean?

This update brings a plethora of changes and updates. Notably, the Play Menu receives a facelift with new animations and icons, especially for the Casual Card, Dueling Arcade, and Limited Time Modes (LTMs), enhancing navigation and the visual appeal. A new Arena variant, AquaDome (Salty Shallows), is now playable across several modes, offering fresh scenery for matches. Moreover, customization options for the McLaren 765 LT have been expanded, with the addition of five new common decals. These updates enrich the game’s content and allow players more personalized experiences.

Why should I care?

The enhancements and new content introduced with Rocket League’s version 2.36 update are significant for several reasons. The Play Menu improvements make for a more intuitive and visually pleasing navigation experience. The addition of the new AquaDome (Salty Shallows) arena variant provides a fresh environment for matches, potentially refreshing player engagement. The expanded customization for the McLaren 765 LT, alongside various bug fixes, including the resolution of matchmaking bans in LTM matches and the usability of specific Goal Explosions with any Car Body, directly improve gameplay quality. These developments signify Rocket League’s ongoing commitment to enriching player experience and maintaining the game’s popularity and playability.

For more information, check out the original article here.

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